Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Interactive Investigations

a. Function Matching
b. http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=215
c. Math
d. You are given an equation on a graph. you then have to choose what type of graph it is. Once you choose what type of graph it is, you have to alter the equation to match the graph.
e. I recomend this activity because it helps me to see what different types of graphs look like and how to match them.

a. Virtual Knee Surgery
b. http://www.edheads.org/activities/knee/swf/index.htm
c. Math and Science
d. You have the chance to preform knee surgery on a patient so you can see how the procces works.
e. Its fun and interactive and helps you learn about how things like surgery work.

a. Aortic aneurysm surgery
b. http://www.edheads.org/activities/aortic/swf/index.htm
c. Math and Science
d. You have to repair an aneurysm in a man that has a damaged one. Even though the program guides you, you still get the chance to preform the surgery.
e. I recomend this for anyone interested in surgery, it's fun and interactive.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Final Exam Writing

Final Exam Writing Portion

1. My favorite was mt Digital Foot print poster because it didnt really have a limit to what it was. we only needen a foot and theen the rest was up to us to do.
2. I liked doing the Breast Cancer Awarness Month poster because pink is my favorite color so I liked doing a poster that was almost completly pink.
3. The day in the life of was fun to do but it wasnt my favorite.
4. I liked this anti bullying poster because i did it in like 5 minutes but it still looked good I think.
5. I liked doing the baseball card project because i got to use my picture when I had a dress on.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

1. The Eaton Theater is currently using a 35mm film projecter.
2. The dilema the Eaton Theater and other small theaters are facing is that all the movie companies are making a switch to digital film instead of film projecters.
3. The movie company that will definently be switching to digital film is Fox.
4. Digital projectors are considered cost prohibitive because they cost at the minimum of about $70,000 dollars.
5. The digital movie equiptment might cause the Eaton Theater to lose upwards of 20% of its annual profits because of all the money they would lose paying for the projector.
6. I think the best solution for the Eaton Theater would be to buy the projector and continue with the business because eventually it will pay off.